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Getting Your Customers Interested in Bead Projects

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If you manage a craft store and you wish to highlight the sale of beads in your store, there are several ways to entice customers to make bead purchases. Beads are used in a variety of crafts, and their versatility and inexpensive price make them a medium desired by many. Here are some ways you can encourage customers to expand their bead usage in an attempt for more sales of this great crafting tool.

Create Bead Soup Mixes

The newest trend in craft store bead sales is the creation of "bead soup" mixes. In this concept, the manager selects several shades and sizes of beads that complement each other and places them into small containers for sale. Customers can purchase the beads as a set to create jewelry or use them to adorn pillows, blankets, or clothing. There is no guesswork on the customer's part to decide which colors and sizes to buy, as this job will already be done for them. They can simply pick up a package of beads to use in their project instead of scouring through different types of beads to try matching hues and shades. Make sure to use several different-sized containers if using this method for bead sales, as customers will need varying amounts for different projects.

Host a Beading Contest

Hold a contest through your establishment so customers can show off some of their handiwork to each other. Set aside an area of your craft store to display all entries. Let each participant know they can place business cards next to their projects if they sell some of their items locally. This will be enticing for customers to enter the contest, as they may be able to grab some sales as a result of their work. You will also be able to grab bead sales, making it a great situation for all involved.

Make Examples to Inspire

Have some of your employees try making simple beaded projects when there are slower times in your store. These can be hung in areas of your store with small tags attached signifying the aisle your beads are located in so customers can pick up the materials they need to try the projects themselves.

Also consider holding beading workshops with customers. Set aside an area in the back of the store where customers can learn the techniques in beading from a professional. Have them each create a small project together, inspiring them to purchase more beads when the workshop is over so they can expand on the knowledge they learned by trying larger projects at home.

Contact a company that sells wholesale Czech glass beads and other types of beads to refresh your stock. 
